ETFLIN is dedicated to transparency and accountability in the editorial process, providing a clear procedure for appeals and complaints. We ensure confidentiality, timely reviews, and consider ethics, maintaining a transparent and well-documented process to uphold the integrity of our editorial practices.
ETFLIN is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability in the editorial process. This includes providing a fair and transparent process for appeals and complaints. This policy aims to outline the process for making an appeal or complaint, the criteria for review, and the steps involved in the review process.
Appeals and complaints may be related to the peer review process, editorial decisions, or publication ethics. For this policy, an appeal or complaint is defined as a request to review a decision or express concern regarding the editorial process or publication ethics.
Authors, reviewers, and readers may make an appeal or complaint by contacting the editor-in-chief or the editorial office via email or in writing. We will acknowledge receipt of the appeal or complaint within five working days and provide an estimate of the timeframe for review.
We will aim to review appeals and complaints within 30 working days of receipt. If the review process is likely to take longer, the complainant will be notified of the reason for the delay and provided with an updated timeframe.
Appeals and complaints will be reviewed based on their relevance, accuracy, and potential impact on the publication. We will also consider any potential ethical concerns related to the appeal or complaint.
We will keep the complainant's confidentiality and the appeal or complaint process to the extent possible. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to disclose information to relevant parties to facilitate the review process.
We will update the complainant regularly and everyone involved in the appeal or complaint process. The complainant will be notified of the final decision and provided with an explanation of the rationale behind the decision.
We will ensure that the appeal or complaint process is transparent and that all parties involved clearly explain the decision-making process. We will also maintain records of all appeals and complaints, including the outcome and actions taken.
If new information becomes available, we will allow for reconsideration of the decision. This may involve reopening the review process or conducting a recent review of the appeal or complaint.
If an appeal or complaint is made against an editor, we will provide a separate process for handling the appeal or complaint. This may involve involving an independent committee or individual to take the appeal or complaint.
We will keep detailed records of all appeals and complaints, including the outcome and any actions taken. These records will be kept confidential and maintained in a secure location.
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