About Us

ETFLIN is an international publishing company that provides a platform for sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration. We firmly believe in the transformative power of technology to drive meaningful changes in society.

Our History!

ETFLIN was established in 2015 in Palu City, Indonesia, by a group of students who shared a common interest in the intersection of technology and healthcare. Since its inception, ETFLIN community has organized and participated in various activities such as pharmaceutical software design and student creativity competitions. These activities reflect the community's dedication to exploring innovative solutions to improve the healthcare industry.

Since June 20, 2022, ETFLIN has been established as a family and friends-based publishing company that focuses on producing books, scientific journals, software, and other digital works. We also promote continuous learning through regular workshops and courses on our platform.

Our Mission!

Equality for all

Empowering scientific excellence for all researchers. Our platform is dedicated to promoting equality in scientific writing, communication, and research. Check out our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy.

Youth career support

Supporting the careers of younger generation, enabling them to quickly contribute to the broader community's well-being. We also provide waiver and free training for students and independent researchers.

Tech-driven efficiency

Responding to the world's challenges by crafting efficient systems. We have an independent medical informatics laboratory with members across the world (check out our work), and we are planning to expand into other fields.

Nurturing collaborative sustainability

Fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and ensuring sustainable development. Check out our declaration committing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and DORA below.

"I believe ETFLIN is on the path to making a meaningful impact on knowledge, society, and the environment."

Abd. Kakhar Umar
Abd. Kakhar Umar

Chief Executive Officer

SDG Publishers Compact

🌍 ETFLIN's Wholehearted Commitment to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Publishers Compact! 🌱 We are thrilled to announce that as a responsible publisher, ETFLIN has wholeheartedly embraced the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) Publishers Compact. We pledge to join this positive change in the publishing industry by making these goals our guiding principles in every creative endeavor. With a spirit of collaboration and innovation, we aspire to drive understanding, awareness, and concrete actions towards creating a fairer, more sustainable, and hopeful world. Join us on this journey towards a brighter future! 📚 #ETFLINCares #SDGs #SustainablePublishing

Towards DORA: Our Commitment

🌍 In 2023, we proudly announce our endorsement of DORA, The Declaration on Research Assessment. By signing this declaration, we affirm our commitment to 🌱 promoting a more holistic and fair approach to evaluating research. We recognize the importance of assessing research based on its quality, impact, and significance 📚💡 rather than relying solely on traditional metrics. This step forward aligns with our dedication to fostering meaningful contributions to the academic and scientific communities while advancing equitable research practices. 🚀🔬 #DORAEndorsement

We Revolutionize Sciences, We Publish Sciences, We Are Scientist


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© 2015 - 2025 ETFLIN (Palu, Indonesia)