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Our Commitment to United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Explore ETFLIN's ongoing commitment to supporting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our policy-driven approach, diverse initiatives, and collaborative efforts.

Update on ETFLIN Progress in Supporting UN's SDGs

Welcome to the ETFLIN progress update page in supporting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) initiative. As a participant of the United Nations Global Compact and SDG Publishers Compact, we are excited to share the latest information on how we, as a publisher, continue to contribute towards achieving these sustainable goals.

Our Policy Direction

As a publisher, we are committed to:

  • Publishing and promoting articles that align with important topics within the SDGs, as well as in the development of upcoming collection titles.
  • Enhancing our publication quality which can be measured through impact metrics and indexing.
  • Creating an equitable, diverse, and inclusive work environment. This will be evident throughout the ETFLIN's organizational structure up to the journal editorial team.
  • Preventing violence and injustice against specific groups, ethnicities, races, genders, religions, and socio-economic classes within our work environtment.
  • Providing information openly and free of charge, as well as offering free publishing services to authors from developing and low-income regions.
  • Being a source of expertise as educators through collaboration with our editorial team and authors.
  • Being a UN media outlet in conveying and promoting the SDGs to users, authors, employees, policymakers, and all stakeholders associated with ETFLIN.

Our Progress on SDGs

No Poverty

We are planning projects...

Zero Hunger

We are dedicating budget and resources for groups in need. Currently, we are still providing free publication services and will start generating revenue after reaching the indexing target. A portion of this revenue will be allocated as donations regularly.

Good Health and Well-Being

As a publisher, we are committed to be resourceful for medical practitioners. As a scientific community, we are also developing and sharing tools in support to medical practitioners and researchers.

Quality Education

We do regular workshop and training on several medical informatics topics. We plan to hold similar activities in other fields by involving expert editorial teams and authors in their respective fields.

Gender Equality

We prioritize gender equality within our organization, including our editorial team. Also, check our policy regarding Harassment to protect our employees and provide a better work environment.

Clean Water and Sanitation

We plan to create a journal with a specific title related to this topic. With the initiation of the journal, we aim to contribute to the sharing of ideas and innovations related to the topic.

Affordable and Clean Energy

We plan to create a journal with a specific title related to this topic. With the initiation of the journal, we aim to contribute to the sharing of ideas and innovations related to the topic.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

We plan to create a journal with a specific title related to this topic. With the initiation of the journal, we aim to contribute to the sharing of ideas and innovations related to the topic.

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

We plan to create a journal with a specific title related to this topic. With the initiation of the journal, we aim to contribute to the sharing of ideas and innovations related to the topic.

Reduced Inequalities

Check our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy. This policy is taken into account in the recruitment of new employees, employee recognition, and all other relevant activities.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Check our new collection entitled Kolaborasi Masyarakat.

'Kolaborasi Masyarakat' refers to the process or practice of cooperation and interaction among various parties or groups within a society. It involves the pooling of resources, knowledge, skills, and efforts to achieve common goals or solve issues faced by the community. Community collaboration can occur at various levels, including local, regional, national, and international.

Responsible Consumption and Production

We plan to create a journal with a specific title related to this topic. With the initiation of the journal, we aim to contribute to the sharing of ideas and innovations related to the topic.

Climate Action

We plan to create a journal with a specific title related to this topic. With the initiation of the journal, we aim to contribute to the sharing of ideas and innovations related to the topic.

Life Below Water

We will launch a new collection entitled 'Aquatic Life Sciences' which will cover the scope of life below water. With the initiation of the journal, we aim to contribute to the sharing of ideas and innovations related to the topic.

Life on Land

We plan to create a journal with a specific title related to this topic. With the initiation of the journal, we aim to contribute to the sharing of ideas and innovations related to the topic.

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution

We are committed to advocating for justice and peace. We will remain neutral and not favor any political ideology to provide objective information.

Partnership for the Goals

We have been collaborating with Relawan Jurnal Indonesia, a member of SDG Publisher Compact, on our publication activities. We are also open for collaboration in any related topics to the SDGs. Say hello to us at halo@etflin.com.

Our Next Plans

  • Starting in the fourth quarter of 2024, all submitted manuscripts must be classified under the topics related to the SDGs. If a manuscript aligns with any of these topics, it will receive priority consideration for publication in our journal. (Achieved)
  • We will start to allocate budget for our SDGs activities in 2025.
  • We will provide a gallery of our SDGs-related activities here, can't wait to inspire the world 🌱🌈

We will update this regularly following our progress on each relevant topic.

Our Progress

We Revolutionize Sciences, We Publish Sciences, We Are Scientist


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