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Correction, Withdrawal, and Retraction

We prioritize accuracy and credibility in our publications. Our policy includes prompt corrections, ethical withdrawal considerations, and transparent retraction procedures to maintain the integrity of our content.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58920/etflin.crossmark.policy

At our publishing company, we strive to maintain the highest standards of accuracy and credibility in all of our published content. We understand, however, that mistakes and errors can occur despite our best efforts. Correcting errors, withdrawing outdated information, or retracting publications due to ethical concerns are crucial steps in maintaining the credibility of scholarly works.

In this context, Crossmark, a service provided by CrossRef, plays a pivotal role in streamlining and standardizing these processes. Crossmark offers a cross-platform way for readers to promptly ascertain the status of a research output, accompanied by supplementary metadata pertaining to the editorial process. ETFLIN pledges to uphold the content we publish and notify readers of any modifications by adhering to the guidelines set forth by CrossMark.


If an error or mistake is identified in a published article, we will promptly correct it and explain the correction. This may include adding a footnote to the article or issuing a separate correction notice.

We will strive to correct errors quickly and take reasonable steps to ensure the updated information is disseminated to all relevant parties. We may also notify the author(s) of the article of the correction and provide them with an opportunity to respond.


We understand that the publication process can be complex and may involve unforeseen circumstances that lead authors to consider withdrawing their manuscripts. While we respect the author's right to make such decisions, we also recognize the significant time and effort invested by our editorial team and peer reviewers in processing and evaluating each submission.

Withdrawing a paper due to Impact Factor concerns or changes in the journal's indexing status is considered unethical in the academic community. Such actions may undermine the credibility of authors and the journal's reputation. It can also impact the integrity and consistency of the scientific literature, which is built on the foundation of rigorous research and transparent dissemination of knowledge.

Paper Withdrawal Policy

Authors are encouraged to carefully consider their decision to submit a manuscript to ETFLIN Journals. Once a manuscript has been submitted, it enters the editorial process, and substantial resources are allocated to assess its quality and potential suitability for publication.

If an author wishes to withdraw their manuscript from consideration, they must submit a formal request for withdrawal to the editorial office. This request should include a clear and concise explanation for the withdrawal.  

The withdrawal request will be assessed by the Editor-in-Chief, who will determine whether the withdrawal is justified based on the provided explanation and the stage of the editorial process at the time of the request. 

Penalty Charge for Paper Withdrawal

In cases where a manuscript is withdrawn after undergoing initial screening, peer review, or substantial editorial processing, authors may be subject to a penalty charge to cover the administrative costs incurred during the review process. 

The penalty charge will be calculated based on the extent of the work already completed on the manuscript. It may vary depending on the stage of the editorial process at the time of withdrawal. 

The penalty charge will be communicated to the corresponding author upon approval of the withdrawal request. Payment instructions will be provided at that time. 

The penalty charge should be paid promptly, within three days from the date of notification, to the journal's designated payment portal. Pay the penalty charge to ensure future consideration of submissions from the author. 

Penalty Charge Breakdown

Stage 1: Initial Screening and Editorial Processing 

Stage 2: Peer Review Process 

So that you know, these penalty charges are designed to cover the time and effort of our dedicated peer reviewers and editorial team members. We appreciate the invaluable contributions of our reviewers in maintaining the quality and integrity of the journal's publications. 

Exceptions to Penalty Charge

Manuscripts withdrawn due to unforeseen ethical concerns will not be subject to the penalty charge. 

Manuscripts withdrawn at the earliest stages of submission, before substantial editorial processing or peer review initiation, may be exempt from the penalty charge at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

A fair and transparent policy regarding paper withdrawal and penalty charges is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our publication process and respecting the valuable time and expertise of our peer reviewers and editorial team members. By submitting a manuscript to ETFLIN Journals, authors acknowledge their understanding and agreement to comply with this editorial policy. If you have any questions or need more clarification, please contact our editorial office.


In cases where an article is found to contain significant errors, misrepresentations, or plagiarism, we may retract the paper. Retractions will be issued only in cases where there is clear evidence of serious misconduct or errors undermining the article's credibility.

Retractions will be accompanied by a clear explanation of the reasons for the retraction, and we will take steps to ensure that the retraction notice is disseminated to all relevant parties. We may also notify the author(s) of the article of the retraction and provide them with an opportunity to respond.

In cases where an author requests a retraction, we will consider the request carefully and decide based on the evidence available.

Our Commitment

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and credibility in all of our published content. We will take all necessary steps to ensure that errors are corrected promptly and transparently and that retractions are issued only in cases where there is clear evidence of serious misconduct or errors undermining the article's credibility.

Contact us: halo@etflin.com

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