Our commitment to advancing scientific discovery includes responsible research data sharing. Our policy encourages open data sharing while respecting confidentiality. Authors are urged to deposit data in repositories, preserve it, and provide a data management plan to promote transparency and collaboration.
As a publication committed to advancing scientific discovery, we believe that the responsible sharing of research data is essential. By making data available to others, researchers can build upon each other's work, increase transparency, and facilitate collaboration and innovation. Our data-sharing policy outlines our commitment to these principles. It encourages authors to make their research data available in a manner that protects confidentiality and sensitive information while promoting openness and accessibility. Whether deposited in a repository or shared through other means, we believe that authors have a responsibility to preserve and manage their data in a manner that supports continued research and discovery. By following this policy, we aim to facilitate the reuse and reuse of research data, promote transparency and reproducibility, and to encourage collaboration and innovation within the scientific community.
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