Kolaborasi Masyarakat

Kolaborasi Masyarakat

Articles Published in Volume 1 Issue 1


Muhammad Fauzi, Juwita Ramadhani, Hasniah. Pemanfaatan Kunyit dan Getah Pepaya untuk Analisis Formalin dan Boraks Secara Sederhana di Desa Semangat Dalam. Kolaborasi Masyarakat. 2024; 1(1):13-18.

Abstract: Education about the dangers of borax and formalin and training in making kits to detect borax and formaldehyde content are part of this activity. With the help of natural ingredients such as turmeric and papaya sap, people, especially housewives, can identify the formaldehyde and borax content thems Show more...
Abstract: Education about the dangers of borax and formalin and training in making kits to detect borax and formaldehyde content are part of this activity. With the help of natural ingredients such as turmeric and papaya sap, people, especially housewives, can identify the formaldehyde and borax content themselves. The UNISKA MAB Banjarmasin Faculty of Pharmacy Community Service Team carries out community service in Semangat Dalam Village in Handil Bakti Barito Kuala, South Kalimantan. The methods used are lectures, questions and answers, and demonstrations. The results show that this activity can help overcome participants' limited knowledge about the dangers and how to identify formaldehyde and borax in food by using simple detection tools made from natural ingredients. Show less...

Boraks Formalin Sosialisasi Pelatihan

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Reza Pratama, Nadia Ushfuri Amini, Sri Mulyati Rahayu, Mohamad Isronijaya, Elli Fitria, Anna Ikhsan Hidayatullah. Edukasi Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual Pada Remaja di SMK Bhakti Kencana Majalaya. Kolaborasi Masyarakat. 2024; 1(1):7-12.

Abstract: The adolescent phase, which is a transition period between childhood and adulthood, creates its own challenges with physical, emotional and social changes. The influence of mass media, especially social media, can lead to negative impacts, including the risk of sexual violence. Using educational and Show more...
Abstract: The adolescent phase, which is a transition period between childhood and adulthood, creates its own challenges with physical, emotional and social changes. The influence of mass media, especially social media, can lead to negative impacts, including the risk of sexual violence. Using educational and interactive methods, the socialization process involves students from various fields of study to provide vocational students with an understanding of the types of sexual violence, how to avoid it, and positive behavior in social media. The evaluation results through pre and post-tests indicate an increase in students' knowledge after the socialization. A 92% of the students understand that sexual violence can happen to anyone, and 100% of the students comprehend the importance of proper internet etiquette and the risks associated with irresponsible use of social media. From the results, it is evident that this approach is effective in raising students' awareness about the risks of sexual violence and the importance of parents' role in the use of social media. Show less...

Kekerasan seksual Dampak internet Pengabdian masyarakat Pergaulan bebas

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Munir Alinu Mulki, Mally Ghinan Sholih, Marsah Rahmawati Utami, Dewi Pratiwi Purba Siboro. Peningkatan Pemahaman Masyarakat Mengenai Penggunaan Antibiotik untuk Cegah Resistensi di Kampung Rawa Panjang. Kolaborasi Masyarakat. 2024; 1(1):1-6.

Abstract: Antibiotics are substances or compounds that are either synthetically produced or naturally generated by microorganisms, especially fungi. They are used as inhibitors of other microorganisms. The use of antibiotics in humans is based on their minimal toxicity to the human body. Inaccurate and prolon Show more...
Abstract: Antibiotics are substances or compounds that are either synthetically produced or naturally generated by microorganisms, especially fungi. They are used as inhibitors of other microorganisms. The use of antibiotics in humans is based on their minimal toxicity to the human body. Inaccurate and prolonged use of antibiotics can lead to the development of resistance. A step taken to minimize antibiotic resistance is the introduction of the 2023 PITIK (Penyuluhan Informasi Tentang Antibiotik) program. Thirty-three participants from the community around Kampung Rawa Panjang, Gang Pemuda, RT 01/RW 05, Kota Bekasi, attended this antibiotic education program. Education for the community was conducted using a cross-sectional approach and a questionnaire as an instrument. The results of questionnaire data analysis show that public understanding of the definition, how it works, side effects, how to purchase and how to use antibiotics correctly increased from 27.3% to 93.9%. Therefore, it can be concluded that this education program helps improve public awareness of the proper use of antibiotics. Show less...

Farmasi Antibiotik Resistensi Penyuluhan

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